These are the books I have been reading
Book 4: The Warden and the Wolf King
-Andrew Peterson
Book 3: The Monster in the Hollows
-Andrew Peterson
Book 2: North! or Be Eaten
-Andrew Peterson
Book 1: On The Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness
-Andrew Peterson
Ballad of the Whiskey Robber
-Julian Rubinstein
Along Comes Grandpa
-Susan Salach
Liftoff: Elon Musk and the Desperate Early Days That Launched SpaceX
-Eric Berger
The Bottle Imp
-Robert Lewis Stevenson
Another Country: Navigating the Emotional Terrain of our Elders
-Mary Pipher
Rental Person Who Does Nothing: A Memoir
-Shoji Morimoto
100 Side Hustles
-Chris Guillebeau
Hard Rock Gold: The Story of the Great Mines That Were the Heartbeat of Juneau
-David & Brenda Stone
The Science of Storytelling: Why stories make us human and how to tell them better
-Will Storr
Brave New World
-Aldous Huxley
The Five Impossible Tasks of Eden Smith
-Tom Llewellyn
Fight Fair: Winning at Conflict without Losing at Love
-Tim & Joy Downs
History, Ethnology and Anthropology Of The Aleut
-Waldemar Jochelson
Dream Thief
-Stephen Lawhead
Scary Close
-Donald Miller
The Mentor Leader: Secrets to Building People and Teams That Win Consistently
-Tony Dungy
We Don’t Make Widgets: Overcoming the Myths That Keep Government from Radically Improving
-Ken Miller
Amusing Ourselves To Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business
-Neil Postman
What’s So Amazing About Grace?
-Philip Yancey
Yuuyaraq: The Way of the Human Being
-Harold Napoleon
Pilgrim’s Progress, Part 2: Christiana
-John Bunyan
Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art
-Scott McCloud
Pilgrim’s Progress
-John Bunyan
Creativity, Inc.
-Ed Catmull
The Capture of Attu: As Told By The Men Who Fought There
-Lt. Robert J Mitchell
Brigham Smith
-John L. Smith
Win The Crowd
- Steve Cohen
The Falcon Thief
- Joshua Hammer
The Lord God Made Them All
-James Herriot
The Millionaire Next Door
-Thomas Stanley
All Things Wise and Wonderful
-James Herriot
The Great Divorce
- C.S. Lewis
All Things Bright And Beautiful
-James Herriot
The Cheechakoes
-Wayne Short
All Creatures Great And Small
-James Herriot
-C.S. Lewis
Out Of The Silent Planet
-C.S. Lewis
The Autobiography Of Benjamin Franklin
-Benjamin Franklin
Help My Unbelief: Why Doubt Is Not The Enemy Of Faith
- Barnabas Piper
Miracles Out Of Somewhere
-Kerry Livgren
Napoleon's Hemorrhoids: And Other Small Events That Changed History
-Phil Mason
J. R. R. Tolkien: A Life from Beginning to End
-Hourly History
Radical Hope
-Jonathan Lear
Sleeping Giants
-Sylvain Neuvel
The Journals of Patrick Gass, Member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
-Carol Lynn MacGregor
Memoir of Col. Benjamin Tallmadge
-Benjamin Tallmadge
A Prayer For Owen Meany: A Novel
-John Irving
The Read-Aloud Family: Making Meaningful and Lasting Connections with Your Kids
-Sarah Mackenzie
Absolute Faves
The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
-J.R.R. Tolkien
-George Orwell
The Gift Of Pain
-Paul Brand
Amusing Ourselves To Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business
-Neil Postman
The Search For God And Guinness
-Stephen Mansfield
Secret Formula: The Inside Story Of How Coca-Cola Became The Best-Known Brand In The World
-Frederick Allen
Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen
-Donald Miller
I am keeping this list because I have a terrible time remembering the books I’ve read each year. As you can see, my interests are all over the map.
I like reading paper books best. There’s something about the smell and the feel of the paper that keeps me from going completely digital.
I read e-books on a Kobo Clara and an old Nook Simple Touch.
I recently bought the Kobo Clara and I really like it, especially the illuminated screen that automatically comes on when I read in the dark. It’s smaller and lighter than the Nook, and much more responsive.
I used to keep the Nook in a case, but found that it endures a lot of heavy-handedness without needing protection. It’s easy to manage on with a Mac and it has an SD card slot in case I run out of room on the local memory.
I buy most of my e-books from Amazon. I have to convert them to e-pub format so I can read them on the Nook. I use Epubor Ultimate to do the conversions.
I usually try to purchase e-books when they go on sale. I get a weekly email from “Modern Miss Darcy” which lists several e-books on sale. Most of her recommendations aren’t relevant, but she is a fan of almost all of the authors I want to read and alerts me when those books go on sale.